Thursday, August 2, 2012


I'm absolutely sick of the double standard that is America.  It seems like people are all about equal rights, but truth be told the rights aren't equal.  Not by a long shot.  This whole Chick-Fil-A thing is amazing.  

I believe in Dan Cathy's right to a) spend his money any way he wants, and b) say whatever he wants.  I'm still trying to figure out the exact hate speech he used in that interview.  Fact of the matter is, there was nothing hateful.  He explained what he felt was a true Biblical marriage.  I don't see what's wrong with that. 

The double standard comes when we choose a particular issue to kind of latch on to without going through the entire gamut.  Particularly how my fellow Christians jump on the traditional marriage bandwagon.  However, we need to be jumping on a lot more bandwagons.  What about the bandwagon of racial equality?  Truth be told, there is still an unacceptable amount of racism in this country that hasn't even been addressed by fellow Christians at times.  What about the kids that go home from school hungry?  When was the last time someone headed up a drive to keep kids fed?  Let's not get so enamored with one issue that we don't do what James 1:27 says, "Pure and undefiled religion before God and the Father is this: to visit the orphans and widows in their trouble, and to keep oneself unspotted from the world."  Basically, it says to help others and keep out of trouble.

On the other side, I have an issue with those on the side of homosexual rights.  Look, I agree that you shouldn't be ostracized, mocked, beaten, or denied basic American rights.  However, you do reap what you sow.  The lifestyle you live can lead to some pretty bad things.  I'm not saying that you deserve it, not by a long shot.  However, there are some terrible people out there who want nothing more than to see you destroyed.  I also have an issue with the liberal usage of the word "intolerant."  If a person says that you're going to Hell because of your lifestyle, they're wrong.  However if someone is asked what they think marriage consists of, and they don't include homosexuality in it, it's not intolerance.  You also can't come at Christians with a wagging finger and grumpy voice when they state their stance.  That's a little more intolerant, at least that's what I think.

My point is this.  God has the ultimate say.  His word is pretty much all you need to know about how he feels about everything.  I believe God is very disappointed in His people.  Not because America has been a little off in their following of the Lord, but because they have been completely forgetting James 1:27.  There are people hurting right now.  I don't think God minds the whole gay marriage thing when there are other things that need to be addressed.  Poverty, debt, and hunger are much more important.  There are so many orphans that are hurting and needing love.  There are kids that are being hurt by their own parents.  What about the whole Penn State thing?  That alone should have had Christians marching to Penn State to tell them  what for.  What about the hungry kids that come to school everyday for their only meal?  Can we do something about the corruption in government?  We should be marching to Washington to tell senators and congressmen that the people are who they should be working for, not the big businesses that pay for their campaign.  

I want peace in America.  I want us to be united.  We should be praying for politicians and the persecuted.  We should be assisting in helping people become better.  The more you love people, the more likely they are to want to hear what you have to say about the Lord.  Let's try loving people.  Yes, God has rules.  Yes, God has order.  However, God is love.  When Christ met with all the sinners and transgressors, He didn't arrange boycotts or beat them over the head.  He loved them, met them where they were, and asked about their story.  Oh, that we would do the same.

One day...we'll do it like Jesus.

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